25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Layered Zirconia | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

Layered Zirconia

Layered Zircornia is highly aesthetic and used in most restoration cases. Layered zirconia consists of Zirconia framework with high durability and accuracy due to its design by modern CAD/CAM technology, and porcelain layer covers on the top creates characteristics of teeth’s shape, color and effect.


High aesthetics
No black gum line
High biological compatibility without gingivitis and bad breath
Large chewing force resistance

Anterior and posterior crowns and bridges
Crowns used for screw-retained and cement-retained Implant
Lane 201 Cau Coc street, Tay Mo ward No 69-71
10000 Hanoi
Hall 11.1 | A065