25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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AquaSplint thermo | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

AquaSplint thermo


AquaSplint®thermo is a self-adjusting and customizable prefabricated CMD splint, which can be used in a few minutes without laboratory work, impressions or registration. It consists of two water pads connected by a tube (hydrostatic aqua balance effect).

The difference between AquaSplint®thermo & classic: AquaSplint®classic is the CMD bite splint that has been known worldwide until now and the AquaSplint®thermo differs in the following features:

- The thermo is easier to use
- It already has a thermoplastic relining in the saddle, so that the previously known accessories such as bonding and silicone relining syringe are no longer necessary
- The thermo is immersed in 80° hot water until the thermoplastic relining is transparent and then it can be adjusted
- The adjustment process can be repeated if the result is undesirable (splint does not fit correctly)

Indications: 1. Rapid pain relief and muscle relaxation
2. Optimal initial treatment for CMD
3. Differential diagnosis of the multifactorial genesis of CMD
4. Supportive therapy for diseases such as cervical spine syndrome, tinnitus, migraines, stress, trauma, operations, limitations and blockages (CMD has a multifactorial disorder - malocclusion is not always the main cause)
5. Simple preprosthetic / pre-orthodontic bite determination
6. Neutralizes functional disorders, early contacts, obsessive bites


1. Severe bruxism/grinding reduces shelf life
2. Sharp edges on prostheses, tooth crowns, etc. can cause water pads to be damaged
3. Missing molars - at least a second premolar in each quadrant should be present

Hainstr. 108
09130 Chemnitz
Hall 10.2 | T062