25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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Mobile scan station | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

Mobile scan station

The mobile and hygienic addition to the Medit i700 scanner. Stable, flexible, ergonomic.
The Medical Instinct® Mobile Scan Station extends the usability and flexibility of your Medit i700 scanner. The unit consists of a stable, rollable rack, a touchscreen, and a swiveling keyboard and mouse. Invariably medical surfaces that can be easily disinfected (including keyboard and mouse). The notebook including the cables can be stowed invisibly and safely on the integrated cooling pad in the lockable drawer.

The entire unit makes for optimal ergonomics and can be easily adjusted in height with one hand. Whether you prefer to work standing or sitting. At the push of a button, you can move the unit into the perfect position in a flash.

The smooth-running and quiet rollers make your scan station mobile so it can be quickly moved from one room to another.
Graseweg 24
37120 Bovenden
Hall 4.1 | A079