25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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BuilT in System syringe and warmer 'i-JECT BTS' | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

BuilT in System syringe and warmer 'i-JECT BTS'

i-JECT BuilT in System syringe is a dental chair built-in type automatic lidocaine ampule syringe. This pen-type product is light, intuitive, and easy to use. The weight is similar to a conventional metal ampule syringe. With the voice notification function, a patient feels comfortable.
i-JECT BuilT in System warmer is a dental chair built-in type lidocaine ampule, metal ampule syringe, and metal ampule cap warmer. Dentists can install i-JECT BuilT in the System syringe only or warmer and syringe simultaneously.
175 LS-ro 108
15808 Gunpo-si
Korea, Republic of
Hall 3.2 | F089