25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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ShapeCure & ShapeWash series | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

ShapeCure & ShapeWash series

ShapeWash series

Ultrasonic Cleaning, Smart and Efficient Device

Resin 3D prints require pretty thorough cleaning after printing from your machine. These ultrasonic series cleaners can help you clean the parts in no time, very effectively, and without damaging your resin prints.

ShapeCure series 

The ShapeCure series of UV curing machines are used for secondary curing of printed parts to obtain better part performance. The secondary curing process results in more capable and dimensionally stable parts. The ShapeCure series includes the ShapeCure, ShapeCure mini, and ShapeCure+ models.
No. 59, Jiangnan Avenue Room 101, Building 6
215000 Suzhou ,Jiangsu
Hall 2.2 | E091