25.–29.03.2025 #IDScologne

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ST-32 – Automated MSLA 3D Printer For Lights Out Manufacturing | Exhibitor on the IDS - International Dental Show 2023

ST-32 – Automated MSLA 3D Printer For Lights Out Manufacturing

ST-32 is a MSLA-powered 3D printer built with automation features to enable lights-out manufacturing. Incorporating automation elements in an enclosed cell, ST-32 allows for the continuous printing of clear aligner models with minimal labour by eliminating several non-value add process in between print jobs. 


ST-32 incorporates a gantry system that automates the changeover process in between print jobs. Each job is printed on an EZrelease magnetic sheet, with full traceability, that allows for easier part removal further down the process. Once a print job is completed, the gantry system will remove the sheet with the freshly-printed parts and store it in a magazine within the cell. It will then insert a new EZrelease sheet to start a new print job. This automation allows dental laboratories to run after hours print jobs, returning the next day to an entire magazine of printed models ready for the next phase in their appliance making process. At peak capacity, ST-32 will be able to print up to 24 EZrelease sheets in a span of 8 hours without needing any technician intervention. The magazine is able to store up to 32 EZrelease sheets at any given time.

60 MacPherson Road 04-08, Block 1, Siemens Center
348615 Singapore
Hall 3.1 | L060